Sunday, January 28, 2007

The social norm of leaving the toilet seat down

Working paper of the day- The social norm of leaving the toilet seat down: A game theoretic analysis by Hammad Siddiqi;

We model the toilet seat problem as a 2 player non-cooperative game. We find that the social norm of leaving the toilet seat down is inefficient. However, to the dismay of “mankind”, we also find that the social norm of leaving the seat down after use is a trembling-hand perfect equilibrium. Hence, sadly, this norm is not likely to go away

From the conclusion;

For “mankind”, the analysis in this paper has the following appeal: Once again,
it has been found that the social norm of leaving the toilet seat down is
inefficient; hence, “mankind” may feel vindicated.
For “womankind”, the analysis in this paper is appealing for the following
reason: It has been shown that the social norm of leaving the seat down is a
trembling-hand perfect equilibrium. Hence, this norm is not likely to go away, at
least in the near future.

See also, ‘That Settles It

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